Wednesday, December 8, 2010

coffee should be black as hell..

well, yesterday was a public holiday..
we celebrated Islamic's New years or 1 Muharram..
and I kinda boring that day..
I had an appointment to go to the swimming pool with couple of my friends.
errr, i cant swim. but i try to ;p
And suddenly we cancelled it.
And I dont know what to do then.
my sister was off with her friends..
So after i woke up from my beauty nap, i chose to go to my favourite place when i get bored....Beauty Saloon.
I have a fave beauty saloon near to my house.
it's kinda cozy, not too big and the price is affordable to me.
And i can order Illy coffee and delicious cheese cake from a cozy cafe right to it..
i used to enjoy my me time there..
then suddenly one of my besties asked me to 'ngopi2 cantik' at bakoel koffie in Cikini..
So, after i got my hair done *it smells soooooo nice and i like the 
shape of my hair* *hihihi, rather been lazy to put my hijab on*
I just flew away to Cikini..
And we had our mager time..
Doing something that unimportant and stupid..
And i got those proverb being written in the wall right behind our chairs..
and I like the ambience of this place..
Reminding me of my grandparents' house..
especially the tiles, huhuhuhu..
So, my boring day has been saved by my beauty saloon and my besties..

Ps. I didnt drink any coffee there because i already drank an illy in my beauty saloon. I didnt wanna take a risk of being zombie in the next day :)