Thursday, May 20, 2010

its me anyway..

I found out a truth yesterday..
Well,somehow I know it'll come..
Because u guys,always commented on people flaws..
So why should I get surprised??
I'm not a very super kind person..
I'm an annoying,cranky,spoil person..
Not a kind of 'basa basi' or 'always-try-to-please everyone' people..
Its me..
I try not to comment on people,
No comments on ur hair,
Ur way of dressing,
Ur way of talks,
Because I think,that is every human's uniqueness..
I don't have any right to judge or comment on what they're doing..
That's always a reason behind it..
And I don't like harsh jokes,
That's hurt, u know!!
So sorry if I don't belong here..
So sorry if u all think I'm weird and uncompromist..
I can be a very best friend for some people,
And annoying person for others..
Well,its me anyway..

Monday, May 3, 2010

'ini ponakanku,cantik yaa.'

Cuti mendadak!!
Hari minggu kmaren dpt kbr duka kalo adeknya papa meninggal d tegal,
Sblumnya emang uda koma krn penyumbatan darah d otak..
Yawis deh,saya sm adek malem2 lgsg ribet konfirm sana sini..
Mama papa d smg jg lgsg brgkt lg k tegal *mreka minggu sore keburu balik lg dr tegal ke semarang,jd gag dapet last minutenya*
Saya brgkt senen jam 11 siang *tdnya pake kreta puagi buat ngejar pemakaman,tp tnyata dimakamin jam 9 jdnya saya siang skalian*,
Adek saya nyusul jam stg7 malem krn kerjaan gag bs ditinggal,
Gag dpt pemakaman gpp,y penting kita ada buat sodara..
Eh,d gambir ktmu sm eyang2 saya y ternyata segerbong n sederet duduknya!ckckck,watta coincidence..
Saya sendiri sbenernya gag tlalu deket sm almarhum om..
Slaen beda kota,didukung juga sm bawaan keluarga papa y cenderung diem..
Jadi ya kenangan sy sm beliau gag bnyk jg..
Cuma pas smlm sy krumahnya,sy nemu ada foto adek plg kecil saya disitu..
Pasfoto sekolah item putih itu loohh..
Pas sy nanya k tante saya,dia bilang 'iya,itu ambil dr rmhmu sbulan lalu,ditaro d dompet trus,dipamerin katanya ini ponakanku,cantik yaa..'
Damn,a story that we should have known before..
Its so sad when u know nothing bout ur family..:(,
Btw,my father has buried his parents,one younger sis n now one younger brother,kinda sad..
Bye om,lebaran kurang 1 anggota tim ni..